"Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever."
Mahatma Gandhi
Dress Code
- Students must come to school in full uniform on all working days
- No flowers or ornaments are to be worn by the students.
- Girls with long hair must plait the hair neatly. Girls with short hair must maintain proper hair cut. Boys are expected to come to school with proper hair cut.
- All girls should wear 3/4th black cotton leggings underneath their uniform.
- Uniforms must be regularly washed and pressed.
- Shoes and socks should be clean and tidy. Socks must be washed every day.
- Only navy blue sweaters should be worn on cold days.
- Nails have to be trimmed weekly.
- Shirt buttons should not be kept open and the shirt to be tucked in properly. School belt have to be worn tightly and visibly.
- Personal hygiene has to be maintained.